Whitsunday United Football Club invites players, supporters, sponsors, family and friends to attend the 2022 Senior Presentation Night at the Whitsunday Sportspark Clubhouse.
Let’s take the opportunity to celebrate as a football family and reflect on what has been an incredible year for football at WUFC! The club is growing rapidly and presentation night is a great chance for everyone to socialise and acknowledge the huge progress we have made across the entire club.
Tickets are $45 per head - includes canapes and drink on arrival. Tickets must be pre-purchased for catering purposes - no tickets available on the door.
Bar is open throughout the night. Eftpos only - strictly no CASH.
Everyone welcome, but please note this is the senior presentation. Youth welcome, if accompanied by an adult.
Bar Prices:
Beer/ Bubbles/ Wine $5
Ginger Beer/ Cider $6
Spirits (cans) $8
Soft drinks/ water - no charge
BOOK NOW via this link - https://www.whitsundayunitedfc.com/club-shop/2022wufcpresentationnight